Thursday, July 23, 2015

Packing Videos Galore!

If you're interesting in diaper bag packing videos or JuJuBe or Tokidoki or you just like the soothing sound of my voice (HA!) go check out my latest packing videos!

 I'm hoping my nature box is delivered before the end of the week so I can do an unboxing. You know, so I have something besides diaper bag packing videos on my channel :)

Click here to go to my youtube channel

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Guess who's back...back again

And now with VIDEO!!!! 
I know it's been a long, long...long long time, but I'm back! A lot has happened since I've been gone. We moved (literally around the corner), started working, stopped working, became a SAHM and added another Webster to the flock. So I'm sorry I've been neglecting you...shame on me.

For a very long time I've been obsessed with watching youtube videos. Diaper bag packing videos, unboxing videos, review videos (mostly of beauty, baby/child and food products) and I've found so many of them to be really helpful when I was deciding which products to get for my family. I've been toying with the idea of doing some of my own for FOREVER and I realized that I didn't really have any good excuses as to why I wasn' here we are! 

Without further first ever youtube video

I hope you enjoy :)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Busy Bee

I have been a busy, busy bee.

Summer is behind us and fall is in full gear (although the temperature seems to disagree and is holding on to summer for dear life). The last two months have been pretty crazy for us. Between weddings and birthdays and just trying to make the most out of the beautiful days we've been having here, I haven't had much time for blogging. I have so many different ideas in the works, but I'm having difficulty finding the time to be able to start and finish an entire post.

So I thought I would just drop in and share some of the pictures that have been taken over the last little while. My aunt and uncle recently had their commitment ceremony and asked me if I could take a few pictures. Let me tell family is IMPOSSIBLE to photograph. I love them to death, but get a few drinks in them and get them together and it's like dealing with children...worse actually. Miraculously, I was actually able to get a few really nice pictures of them all together (usually there is always at least one person missing) and in the end, it was definitely worth the struggle and I was happy to see them all laughing and having fun together (let me just add mom is the instigator - love you mom).

So here they are (in no particular order)


I hope you enjoyed and I promise I will be better at posting in the coming months.
